
by Rev Don Schatz

The Lord is Coming!

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.”
Psalm 40:1, New International Version

A stand for an Advent Wreath waits for the Candles, and the start of the Advent Season.  It looks unfinished this way, doesn’t it?  My life can feel that way at times, like it is waiting for a good finish, at least to the events or season in which I find myself.  Do you ever feel that way?

I like old King David’s bold statement:  “I waited patiently for the Lord….”  You likely know that there are plenty of Davidic Psalms where he isn’t so patient!  That’s one of the reasons I like David, he is as human as I am, warts and all, and the Lord still loves him!

Advent is not just a season of the Church Year, something to be endured because we can’t wait for Christmas, Advent is the flavor of life as David experienced.  The ‘waiting’ theme of Advent finds me throughout the year.  I am often waiting for the Lord, sometimes even patiently.

Our waiting, whenever it occurs and for whatever reason, is always a waiting filled with hope.  David and Advent both remind me to claim that hope, and hang onto it for dear life.  The Lord will turn to me. The Lord does hear my cry.  In our family, the last three months anxious waiting has been our reality.  There are many more months of waiting ahead, but God has already heard our cry. The Lord has already turned not only his ear but his compassionate heart our way.

Ours is a waiting filled with hope.  My life, and likely yours, is a life filled with the wonder that the Lord is Coming, and has come time and time again to give hope, to heal, to strengthen faith, and to walk wondrously beside me.

Enjoy your Advent waiting.  Take it with you throughout the year.

Lord Jesus Christ, join us in waiting. Even as we await you.  Amen, Come Lord Jesus!

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, CO

About Don Schatz

I am a retired pastor and writer. I enjoy ministries of intentional spiritual practices which help people love and serve God, and love and serve the community. I am convinced such practices evidence the FULL LIFE that Jesus promises and the world needs.