Have We Come to the Right Place?

by Rev Steve Nickodemus

A King in a Barn?

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”
Matthew 2:2

When the stars lined up to proclaim that a “king of the Jews” had been born, the magi naturally came looking in Jerusalem to the king’s palace, but the king was not in the palace.

For the King had been born in humble Bethlehem.  In a manger! In a barn!  He was sent from God, proclaimed by angels, and worshiped by shepherds.

Where have you been looking for your King?  Do you think you will find Him by going up to His throne, in His glory and righteousness? Do you think you can go into His temple, His presence, with your offerings of good works and self righteousness?

No, you cannot meet Him there.  You cannot go up to the King.  The King has come to you.  He has come as a Babe in a manger, as a bleeding Savior on a cross, and as the Word made flesh who dwells among us.

The King came on that Christmas morning to where you and I live…into our mundane sinful existence, in our poverty of love for God and our neighbor.  He comes to bring you the gifts of pardon, peace, and forgiveness.  He is not ashamed of you, nor too proud to come and love you where you dwell.

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given…

Lord Jesus, thank you for coming into my world, for being a King who gave His life for me.  May I celebrate your birthday with joy and gratitude for Your compassion for me. Amen.

Copyright Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

About Steve Nickodemus

I am a pastor who also farmed for a number of years. My desire and prayer is that my devotions draw people closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His love and mercy for them.