Supernatural Strength

God Holds You Up

It’s the call no parent ever wants to receive. You answer the phone expecting to talk to your child, and a stranger on the other end says your child has been in an accident.

The police are there and paramedics are on the way. How do you react? What do you do? This was the case for me just the other day. Naturally, my first reaction is to get to my child and next is to call my husband on the way.

At the accident scene my husband is visibly shaken, yet somehow I was remaining calm. Our son was conscious and responsive, yet noticeably hurt. In the ambulance and ER, I continue to stay calm and reassure my son he will by okay.

As I make calls, text and Facebook people to get prayers going, I remain calm.

As we go to X-Ray for a full body scan, I remain calm.

As the doctor comes to tell us which bones are broken and that he will remain overnight for possible internal injury observation, I remain calm.

13499817_1114571111955398_1155722278_oSpeaking later with our pastor and friends at the hospital, another mom comments on how strong I am. I reply that I am surprised at how calm I have stayed, and our pastor and another friend tell me that I will break down or crumble later.

In the very early hours of the morning, tears slide down my face. Not because I have broken down or crumbled, but because I have recognized the one who made me strong. “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

“So now I am glad to boast about my weakness,
so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

2 Corinthians 12:9 New Living Translation

No matter what trials or tribulations you will go through in this life, you can rest assured there is a God who will hold you up and give you supernatural strength.

Pictures and Text Copyright Larissa Odell”