God’s Bibelots

Precious, Beautiful and Rare.

You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10 English Standard Version

My daughter and I recently visited Concordia University Nebraska (CUNE), where she will start her first year of higher learning in the fall. There is a baptismal font at the entrance to Weller Chapel, filled with bibelots. I confess that I had never heard of that word prior to our visit.

A bibelot (beebuh-loh) is defined as a small item of curiosity, beauty or rarity. These particular bibelots are brightly colored on one side with an imprint of the university logo on the other. They are individually created by CUNE’s art department. No two bibelots are alike.

These keepsakes are distributed from the font to current and prospective students, faculty, staff, and visitors – both as a reminder of gifts received in faith from God through baptism as well as the connection with CUNE. Bibelots are also intended to be shared, representing not only the horizontal relationship with others, but also the vertical relationship with the Creator and the created.

When looking at the bibelots, I am reminded that we, too, are unique, beautiful and rare. God created each of us with our own special set of talents and abilities. These gifts are also not only meant to glorify the Creator, but also to share with others.

At times, we may not feel like we have much to offer, or that we are not unique and special in the world’s eyes. We often forget that Christ is imprinted on our hearts, and that we are painted brightly with many gifts. Those qualities help us to encourage others and share Christ’s message.

Let your rare, beautiful and colorful bibelots shine in the world today!

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 139:14 English Standard Version

Photo and Text Copyright: Darcia Kunkel

About Darcia Kunkel

Darcia Kunkel is a former military spouse, mother of three (and two dogs), author, editor and business consultant. She has a heart for military families, and writes on a variety of topics including modern motherhood, Christian inspiration, military spouse transition, cooking, and the struggles of perfectionism.