PWTE Podcast Episode 045: More Than a Bike on a Wall

Canon City, Colorado

Sometimes it feels like we’re nailed to a wall and can’t move. God has given us the gift of repentance where we experience the power of forgiveness to release us from the wall of sin. In this episode of the PWTE podcast, Richelle Hecker and Pastor Doug Brauner talk about what repentance is and is not and how through repentance God sets us free to live a life filled with his grace.

PWTE Blog: More Than a Bike on a Wall

Podcast Episode 33 delves into the difference between secular psychology and the Christian views of redemption: Can Anything Good Come Out of Psychology?

Much of this podcast is based on the understanding of repentance from the Augsburg Confession, Article XII, Repentance. Here is a portion of that article.

“Our churches teach that there is forgiveness of sins for those who have fallen after Baptism whenever they are converted. The Church ought to impart Absolution to those who return to repentance (Jeremiah 3:12). Now, strictly speaking, repentance consists of two parts. On part is contrition, that is, terrors striking the conscience through the knowledge of sin. The other part is faith, which is born of the Gospel (Romans 10:17) or the Absolution and believes that for Christ’s sake, sins are forgiven. It comforts the conscience and delivers it from terror. Then good works are bound to follow, which are the fruit of repentance (Galatians 5:22-23).”


About Douglas Brauner

I'm a retired pastor, blogger, and photographer. (Oh, and did I mention husband and father?) I encourage people who wrestle with life to focus on Christ so that they experience hope and joy on life's treadmill.