

by Jennifer Brukiewa The Aroma of Christ. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. A number of years ago, I was walking in my neighborhood experiencing my first Colorado springtime, when a sweet fragrance enticed me to find its source. I was delighted to discover these breathtaking multi-blossomed clusters. Lilacs. […]

Life as We Know It: Part 1

Life as We Know It: Part 1

by Jen Brukiewa Can you feel it? The atmosphere of suspense, this kind of collective holding of breath waiting for the surreal to become much too real? There are moments of eerie stillness when we realize how many things have stopped. There are moments of solemn fortitude as we shop six feet from strangers in […]

You’re Killing Me!

You’re Killing Me!

When the whole world seems like it’s out to get you. You can listen to today’s devotion by clicking on this SoundCloud link. Even after re-applying sunscreen several times, their faces looked like this after a summer’s day spent in the pool. “You need to stop rubbing your face every time you come up out […]